Exclusive Invitation
You are invited to participate in our pre-release evaluation. We are seeking your help to identify outcomes and potential new applications utilizing our exclusive BioEnergetic technologies.
DNA BioEnergetic Technology
More Energy + Less Stress
BioField enhancement, provides greater cell to cell communication, bio protective effect from external stressors like 5G/EMF, reduced sympathetic response and return to homeostasis.
See Before and After results below!

BioEnergitc Profile Before and Instantly After Applying Our Technology
Everything upregulates with more energy and less stress!
How to Test Your BioEnergetic Tech
Perform this fun and simple test to validate the instant protective and energizing benefits of your DNA Bio Energetic technology. Providing you more energy and less stress, instantly.
Carl "Buzz" Thompson
How to Test and Validate Your BioEnergetic Tech
How to Test and Validate Your BioEnergetic Tech
How to Test Your EMF 5G All-In-One Purifier
The All In One Purifier is the only device to provide whole home or office protection from air and surface borne pathogens including viral shedding, and also bioprotective and optimizing effect to resist against EMF/5G and other interfering wave forms for everyone in the home or office.
Carl "Buzz" Thompson
EMF 5G All-In-One Purifier Test
EMF 5G All-In-One Purifier Test
Max Pulse HRV Results
Arterial elasticity score went from 69 to 88, a major improvement in risk for future cardiovascular event, in just 14 minutes.
Dr. M. Kelly Miller
Max Pulse HRV
The Max Pulse is an FDA approved Class II medical screening device used to assess arterial hardening, circulation, heart rate variability, and autonomic nervous system function.
Max Pulse HRV
The Max Pulse is an FDA approved Class II medical screening device used to assess arterial hardening, circulation, heart rate variability, and autonomic nervous system function.
Post Covid Results
In myocarditis of left ventricle, shown to reduce pathologic state (normalize) by 79%, in just a couple minutes, I’m very impressed and recommend this technology.
Dr. Scott Nelson
My Scary Post Covid Issues Resolved
My Scary Post Covid Issues Resolved
QEEG (Brain map) Results
24% change and 41% normalization in brain injured female, a very positive physiological change in the brain in a short period of time.
Dr. M. Kelly Miller
QEEG (Brain map)
A QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) is a diagnostic tool that measures electrical activity in the form of brain wave patterns. It is sometimes referred to as "brain mapping."
QEEG (Brain map)
A QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) is a diagnostic tool that measures electrical activity in the form of brain wave patterns. It is sometimes referred to as "brain mapping."
ProAdjuster-Sigma Instrument Results
From a Chiropractic perspecitve Buzz had a drastic and dramatic change with no physical intervention, I'm impressed!
Dr. Debra Hoffman, DC
ProAdjuster-Sigma Instrument
Technology to analyze joints and tissue with increased precision and confidence. Pre-analysis and post-analysis to scientifically show that a positive change was made.
ProAdjuster-Sigma Instrument
Technology to analyze joints and tissue with increased precision and confidence. Pre-analysis and post-analysis to scientifically show that a positive change was made.
Leg Length Results
Very impressive improvement in leg length and leg spasticity in a very short period of time. I’ve observed similar results consistently with over 20 patients.
Dr. M. Kelly Miller
Leg Length
Leg Length
BrainTap HRV Results
300% increase in power of autonomic nervous system, switch from sympathetic to parasympathetic, and a 10 year improvement or reduction in biologic age calculation, in just 14 minutes!
Dr. M. Kelly Miller
BrainTap HRV
The software and the hardware meets the standards of measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use of cardiac intervalometry indices.
BrainTap HRV
The software and the hardware meets the standards of measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use of cardiac intervalometry indices.
Dr. Nelson Results
In monitoring my own cartilage tear, I noticed lower states of entropy almost instantly, this is amazing to me. Every patient should have this to assist in recovery.
Dr. Scott Nelson
Dr. Nelson Testimonial
Dr. Nelson Testimonial
High Stress to Low Stress Results
Thank you! This is the most fun we’ve had in our office in a long time
Dr. Angela Goldstein
High Stress to Low Stress
High Stress to Low Stress
TriField Meter Results
This new GermFree 5G all in one purifier, is mindfully designed for lowest EMF output, while amplifying everyone’s biofield and neutralizing the harmful effects of EMF’s on entire home/office.
Carl "Buzz" Thompson
TriField Meter
TriField Meter
We are seeking innovative practitioners to help test and identify patient outcomes and potential new applications. We refer to our practitioner partners as the “Health Hero Alliance”.